OpenBlock v1.1.0 documentation

OpenBlock REST API



Support simple widgets, mashups, frontends based on OpenBlock content and filtering capability. We would appreciate any feedback you have on how to improve the usefulness and usability of this API.


This is a preliminary work-in-progress API and may be changed substantially in future versions.

See Also

The OpenBlock API uses several standards for formats and protocols. Please see the (externally maintained) documentation focused on the particular formats for more details. These include GeoJSON, Atom, and JSONP. Some helpful links:

Format URL
rfc 3339 (date) (also the w3c "note-datetime" is essentially the same format: )

Examples / Quickstart

Grab some 'articles' about Roxbury

curl "" > items.json

API Overview

URL prefix

All calls to the OpenBlock API referenced in this document are prefixed by:


Authentication and API Keys

Authentication for those methods which require it may currently be accomplished in two ways:

  • HTTP Basic Auth headers (any normal user account registered with OpenBlock will work)
  • sending your API key in the X-Openblock-Key HTTP header

An API key may be obtained by logging in and visiting your preferences page, if the OpenBlock site makes that available to you; or the site administrators can create keys via the admin UI at admin/key/apikey/.

Support for Cross Domain Access

To enable widgets and mashups in the browser from domains other than the host OpenBlock instance, the API supports the convention.

Unless otherwise noted, all portions of the API using the http GET method support JSONP by providing the "jsonp" query parameter. The "jsonp" parameter may only contain letters, numbers, and underscores; other characters will be removed.

GET methods supporting Atom output may also provide the "jsonp" parameter. In this case the output is .

Rate Limits, AKA Throttling

The API may be configured to limit the number of API requests a user can perform during a certain time period. This limit applies across all resources provided by the API.

By default, the limit is 150 requests per hour.

If the user is not authenticated and provides no API key, the user's IP address will be used.

If this limit is reached, the server will return a 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE response, with a Retry-After header indicating the number of seconds after which the user can try again.

The site administrator controls throttling by changing several values in

API_THROTTLE_AT=150  # max requests per timeframe.
API_THROTTLE_TIMEFRAME = 60 * 60  # Default 1 hour.
# How long to retain the times the user has accessed the API. Default 1 week.
API_THROTTLE_EXPIRATION = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7

# NOTE in order to enable throttling, you MUST also configure
# CACHES['default'] to something other than a DummyCache. Example:
    'default': {
        'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',

Read API Endpoints

GET [api prefix]


Test the availability of this version of the API. This request does not implement JSONP.


Status Meaning
200 This version of the API is available.
404 This version of the API is not available.
503 You have exceeded the rate limit.

GET items.json


Retrieve details of a certain set of news items as NewsItem JSON Format.


See section Item Search Parameters


Status Meaning
200 The request was valid, the response contains news items that match the criteria.
400 The request was invalid due to invalid criteria
503 You have exceeded the rate limit.

A successful response returns a GeoJSON FeatureCollection containing a list of NewsItem JSON Format features. Each resulting Feature in the collection represents a "NewsItem" that matches the specified search criteria ordered by item date.

Example result:

{"type": "FeatureCollection",
 "features": [
    {"type": "Feature",
     "properties": {
        "title": "An Article About Roxbury",
        "url": "...",
        "type": "articles",
        "description": "Test Roxbury",
     "geometry": {
       "type": "Point",
       "coordinates": [-71.086787000000001, 42.314782999999998]

GET items.atom


Retrieve details of a certain set of news items in ATOM format.


See section Item Search Parameters


Status Meaning
200 The request was valid, the response contains news items that match the criteria.
400 The request was invalid due to invalid criteria
503 You have exceeded the rate limit.

A successful response returns an Atom Feed. Each resulting Atom Entry in the feed represents a "NewsItem" that matches the specified search criteria ordered by item date.

Format is specified in the section News Item Formats

Example result

FIXME example

GET items/<id>.json


Get a single NewsItem as NewsItem JSON Format.




Status Meaning
200 Found. The body will be the NewsItem represented as NewsItem JSON Format.
404 The NewsItem does not exist.
503 You have exceeded the rate limit.

GET geocode


Geocode a street address or location name to geographic location.


Parameter Description
q address or location name to geocode


Status Meaning
200 The request was valid and locations matching the query were found
404 No locations matching the query were found.
400 Invalid input: missing or empty 'q' parameter.
503 You have exceeded the rate limit.

A successful response contains a GeoJSON FeatureCollection with Features corresponding to the query given. The list will contain multiple results if the match was ambiguous.

Example response:

"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
  "geometry": {
   "type": "Point",
   "coordinates": [
  "type": "Feature",
  "properties": {
   "city": "BOSTON",
   "type": "neighborhoods",
   "name": "Roxbury",
   "query": "Roxbury"

A 404 response will return the same structure but with an empty list of "features".

GET items/types.json


Retrieve metadata describing the types of news items available in the system and their attributes.


The output maps an identifier ("slug") to a mapping of key-value pairs describing one news item type.

Each type consists of a few strings suitable for labels in a UI ('name', 'plural_name', 'indefinite_article'), plus a 'last_updated' date when news items of this type were last loaded.

Each news item type may also have its own extended metadata which is described in the 'attributes' mapping. Each attribute has a 'pretty_name' and a 'type' (one of 'text', 'bool', 'int', 'date', 'time', 'datetime').


[{'elvis-sightings': {
   'indefinite_article': 'an',
   'name': 'Elvis Sighting',
   'plural_name': 'Elvis Sightings',
   'slug': 'elvis-sightings',
   'last_updated': '2011-02-22',
   'attributes': {
     'verified': {
       'pretty_name': 'Verified Really Elvis',
       'type': 'bool'

GET locations.json


Retrieve all predefined locations on the server as a list.


Parameter Description
type (optional) return only locations of the specified type, eg "neighborhoods" see See GET locations/types.json for types.


A list of JSON objects describing each location. Each has the following keys:

  • name - human-readable name of the location.
  • slug - name suitable for use in URLs.
  • url - link to a view of this location as GeoJSON (see GET locations/<locationid>.json.
  • description - may be blank.
  • city - name of the city.
  • type - a Location Type slug. See GET locations/types.json.


  "city": "YOUR CITY",
  "description": "",
  "url": "/api/dev1/locations/zipcodes/02108.json",
  "type": "zipcodes",
  "slug": "02108",
  "name": "02108"
  "city": "YOUR CITY",
  "description": "",
  "url": "/api/dev1/locations/neighborhoods/allstonbrighton.json",
  "type": "neighborhoods",
  "slug": "allstonbrighton",
  "name": "Allston/Brighton"

GET locations/<locationid>.json


Retrieve detailed geometry information about a particular predefined location. Available URLs can be discovered by querying the locations.json endpoint, see GET locations.json


A GeoJSON Feature object representing one named location.


{ "type": "Feature",
 "geometry": {
   "type": "Polygon",
   "coordinates": [
     [102.0, 0.0], [103.0, 1.0], [104.0, 0.0], [105.0, 1.0], ...
 "properties": {
   "type": "zipcode",
   "city": "boston",
   "name": "02115",
   "slug": "02115",
   "description": "lorem ipsum blah blah",
   "centroid": "POINT (101.0 0.5)",
   "area": 3633354.76,
   "source": "",
   "population": null,

GET locations/types.json


Retrieve a list of location types, eg "towns", "zipcodes", etc. which can be used to filter locations.


A JSON object describing the location types available.


 "towns": {"name": "Town",
           "plural_name": "Towns",
           "scope:" "boston"},
 "zipcodes": { ... }

GET places/types.json


Retrieve a list of place types, eg "points of interest", "police stations", etc. which can be used to access data about places in the system.


A JSON object describing the place types available.


    "poi": {
        "name": "Point of Interest",
        "plural_name": "Points of Interest",
        "geojson_url": "/api/dev1/places/poi.json"
    "police": {
        "name": "Police Station",
        "plural_name": "Police Stations",
        "geojson_url": "/api/dev1/places/police.json"

GET places/<placetype>.json


Retrieve a list of places of the specified type, eg "points of interest", "police stations", etc.


A GeoJSON feature collection object describing the places of the type specified.


 "type": "FeatureCollection",
 "features": [
   "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [
   "type": "Feature",
   "properties": {
    "type": "poi",
    "name": "Fake Monument",
    "address": ""
   "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [
   "type": "Feature",
   "properties": {
    "type": "poi",
    "name": "Fake Yards",
    "address": ""

Item Search Parameters

Search parameters specified select all items that match all criteria simultaneously, eg specifying type="crimereport"&locationid="neighborhoods/roxbury" selects all items that are of type "crimereport" AND in the Roxbury neighborhood and no other items.

Spatial Filtering

Spatial filters allow the selection of items based on geographic areas. At most one spatial filter may be applied per API request.

Predefined Area

Selects items in some predefined area on the server, eg a neighborhood, zipcode etc. To discover predefined areas see the endpoint "GET locations.json"

Parameter Description
locationid server provided identifier for predefined location. eg: "neighborhoods/roxbury"

Bounding Circle

Selects items within some distance of a given point.

Parameter Description
center <lon>,<lat> comma separated list of 2 floating point values representing the longitude and latitude of the center of the circle. eg: center=-71.191153,42.227865
radius positive floating point maximum distance in meters from the specified center point

Other Filters

News Item Type

Restricts results to a single type of news item, eg only crime reports. The full set of types available can be retrieved by querying the schema types list api endpoint or by inspection of the values of the 'type' field of news items returned from the api. See 'GET newsitems/types.json'

Parameter Description
type schemaid of the type to retrict results to, eg crimereport

Date Range

Restricts results to items within a time range

Parameter Description
startdate limits items to only those whose pub_date is newer than the given date. date format is YYYY-MM-DD or rfc3339 for date/time
enddate limits items to only those whose pub_date is older than the given date. date format is YYYY-MM-DD or rfc3339 for date/time

Result Limit and Offset

Parameter Description
limit maximum number of items to return. default is 25, max 200
offset skip this number of items before returning results. default is 0

Write API Endpoints

POST items/


Create a new NewsItem. Authentication required.


The body of the POST must be a NewsItem JSON Format representation of a single NewsItem.

Note that you must include either the geometry, or properties['location_name'], or both:

  • If geometry is omitted, the location_name will be used for geocoding to generate a geometry.
  • If location_name is omitted, the geometry will be used for reverse-geocoding to generate a block name.
  • If both are omitted, or geocoding/reverse-geocoding fails, it is an error.


Status Meaning
201 Created the NewsItem successfully. The 'Location' header will be a URI to the JSON representation of this NewsItem.

Invalid input. Response will be a JSON object with an 'errors' key containing validation hints.

For example, if the required 'url' field is not provided and the 'item_date' is in the wrong format, the response would be:

  "errors": {
    "url": [
      "This field is required."
    "item_date": [
      "Enter a valid date."
401 Permission denied. See Authentication.
503 You have exceeded the rate limit.

News Item Formats

NewsItem JSON Format

A NewsItem is represented by a GeoJSON Feature containing:
  • a "geometry" attribute representing its specific location, generally a Point.
  • a "type" attribute, which is always "Feature".
  • a "properties" attribute containing details of the news item according to its schema.

See the GeoJSON specification for additional information on GeoJSON:


  "geometry": {
   "type": "Point",
   "coordinates": [
    -71.055719999999994, 42.359819999999999
  "type": "Feature",
  "properties": {
    "title": "Looked kind of like Elvis",
    "type": "elvis-sightings",
    "description": "Witnesses reported someone who looked just like Elvis except eight feet tall and with long red hair and green skin.",
    "url": "",
    "item_date": "2010-12-10",
    "pub_date": "2010-12-10T16:55:01-06:00",
    "verified": false,
    "location_name": "123 Main St, Springfield, MA",

Common Properties

The following properties are common to all Schema and will always be present:

Name Type Meaning
title text Headline or other title from the source.
type text Name (slug) of the item's type; this must correspond to one of the values returned by GET items/types.json
description text Summary of the news item.
url text Original URL where the news was found.
pub_date rfc3339 date/time Date/time this Item was added to the OpenBlock site. (Set automatically in POST items/.)
item_date rfc3339 date Date this news occurred, or was published on the original source site.
location_name text Human-readable name of the location.

Extended Properties: Schema Attributes

Additional properties may be returned according to the NewsItem's type, aka schema.

In order to know what attributes are defined for each schema, or to know what to include in POST items/, you can do a request to GET items/types.json.

NewsItem Schema attributes are output in the corresponding JSON value type if one exists, otherwise a formatted string is used.

Field Type JSON Representation
string string
number number
boolean boolean
datetime rfc3339 formatted datetime string, eg: "1999-12-29T12:11:45Z"
date rfc3339 formatted date string, eg: "1999-12-29"
time rfc3339 formatted time string, eg: "12:11:45Z"

NewsItem Atom Format

Generally follows the Atom specification. Location information is specified with GeoRSS-Simple.

Extended schema attributes are specified in the "" namespace.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<feed xmlns=""
   <title>openblock news item atom feed</title>
   <link href="/api/dev1/items.json" rel="alternate"></link>
   <link href="/api/dev1/items.atom" rel="self"></link>
      <title>Looked kind of like Elvis</title>
      <link href="" rel="alternate"></link>
      <summary type="html">Witnesses reported someone who looked just
         like Elvis except eight feet tall and with long red hair and green skin.
      <georss:point>42.3598199999999991 -71.0557199999999938</georss:point>
      <georss:featureName>4 S. Market St.</georss:featureName>
         <openblock:attribute type="bool" name="verified">False</openblock:attribute>