OpenBlock v1.1.0 documentation



OpenBlock's widgets allow you to integrate OpenBlock content in external sites and fully customize output using Django templates.


Adding a new Widget

A new widget can be created by visiting the OpenBlock admin site and selecting the Add link next to Widgets in the Widgets section.

Configuring a Widget

The configuration of a widget combines criteria for selecting items to display with an output template for controlling the display of those items.

Currently items are always ordered by date.

Field Meaning
name Human readable name of the widget.
slug A unique identifier used to refer to the widget.
description Notes on the use or meaning of the widget; not for public display.
template Which output template to use to show the items (see below).
max items Maximum number of items to show in the widget.
location Restrict the output to a particular predefined location.
types Restrict the output to only the selected Schema types. If none are specified, any type is allowed.
item link template If specified, links to item detail pages will use this template to determine where to link to.

Embedding Content

The administrative page for each widget provides two ways you can embed the widget on an external site.

Javascript Based Inclusion

To use javascript based inclusion, cut and paste the "Embed Code" for the widget into any web page. The div will be replaced with the contents of the widget after the page loads. The div and javascript may be placed anywhere and do not need to be kept together.

Server Side Inclusion

A request to the "Server Side Include URL" produces the output of the widget directly. This URL is suitable for use with any CMS or web server that can stitch pages together from content residing at different URLs or via sub-requests.


Each widget must have a 'template' which is used to generate the output that is included on the page. These templates are normal "Django Templates." You can read the official Django template docs at:

There are also a variety of other tutorials and sources of information about Django templates available by casual googling.

When the template is rendered, OpenBlock will supply a context consisting of the items that should be displayed in some manner in the widget along with some information about the widget's configuration.

Creating A Template

A new template can be created by visiting the OpenBlock admin site and selecting the Add link next to Templates in the Widgets section.

Item Info

The variable items contains a list of items that should be displayed by the widget. This list is generally looped over using the for template tag, eg:

{% for item in items %}
   <!-- output something about the item -->
   {{ item.title }}
{% endfor %}

Each item in the list contains a basic set of fields, and may include several extension fields that are particular to the type (schema) of the item.

Basic Fields

Field Meaning Openblock's unique identifier for this item.
item.title The headline or title of the item.
item.internal_url If the item is hosted by OpenBlock, this is a link to the OpenBlock page about the item. This value can be overridden via the "Item Link Template" setting on a widget.
item.external_url If the item is hosted by an outside site, this is a link to the item.
item.pub_date 'Publication' date/time (the time when the content was added to OpenBlock). Must be formatted using a Django date filter, eg {{item.pub_date|date:"Y m d h i"}}. See
item.item_date Date (without time) associated with item. Meaning varies by item type. Must be formatted using a Django date filter, eg {{item.item_date|date:"Y m d"}}. See
item.description Description, body text, or text content of the item. Text of location, address, place etc. Depending on item type and method of determining location, this may not be present or of varying meaning. Latitude of primary Point location of item.
item.location.lon Longitude of primary Point location of item. The name of the type of item, eg "Restaurant Inspection".
item.schema.slug The unique identifier of the item's type.
item.intersecting A mapping of Location Type slugs to Locations that overlap this item. (TODO: example of how to use this)

Extension Fields

Depending on the item's type (schema), a number of extension fields may be present. For example, a Restaurant Inspection might have a list of 'violations'; a Police Report might contain a field for a Crime Code.

Extended attributes can be accessed in two ways: By name via the attributes_by_name variable, or as an ordered list via the attributes variable. The attributes list is ordered according to the Display Order configured in the Schema's administrative user interface.

If you are using attributes_by_name, you access each attribute according to its unique identifier as configured in the Schema, eg:

{{ item.attributes_by_name.crime_code.value }}

If you are accessing the attributes as a list, you might say:

{% for attribute in item.attributes %}
  {{ attribute.value }}
{% endfor %}

No matter how it is accessed, each attribute houses the data and metadata about the attribute. The following fields are available:

Field Meaning Unique identifier of the attribute. This is the same as the name used in attributes_by_name, eg "crime_code".
attribute.title Human readable title of the attribute, eg "Crime Code".
attribute.is_list True if the attribute's value is a list of values, eg a list of codes or violations.
attribute.value The value of the attribute. This may be a list in some cases, which can be tested via the is_list field.

Widget Info

The context variable widget provides information about the widget. The widget variable has the following fields:

Field Meaning the human readable name of the widget
widget.slug a unique identifier for the widget